Are You Guys Still Going To Comic Con?

Why would you reward bad behavior? If I can come up with a way to keep scalpers from buying tickets, there’s no reason why San Diego and New York Comic Con can’t. They put a system in place to prevent scalping? So what’s this?


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Wages are stagnant yet ticket prices are rising, and scalpers are permitted to exploit the naive. Good job. 




Scientists in Japan have been studying cats and have found that they seem to use their hearing to work out whether objects they can’t see exist.


They also appear to understand the principle of cause and effect, which means they know that actions can lead to a reaction.


Thirty domestic cats [sufficient] were filmed reacting to a researcher shaking a plastic container. Sometimes the plastic container had something in it, sometimes it didn’t.


The results suggest that when the container rattled the cats expected it to have something inside.


Researchers say they know this because the cats stared at the containers for longer than the ones which were presumed to be empty.


They also stared for longer at non-rattling containers that were revealed to have an object inside and vice versa, as if they were surprised.


Saho Takagi lead the research and said: “Cats use a causal-logical understanding of noise or sounds to predict the appearance of invisible objects.”




Boris Is Out

So, surprise, surprise, Boris Johnson isn’t sticking around to head the mess he made. Now that the referendum has been passed, Johnson no longer wants run on the conservative ticket because Theresa May has jumped ahead of Boris in every single poll. It’s no real wonder why, considering how so few people thought this disastrous measure would go anywhere, and are now floundering to gain footing and devise a plan of action (as the Tories predictably had none). 



Sam Coates’ face is hilarious, though.



The Missing Link Is In Cameroon!

A geneticist at the University of Arizona in Tucson, heard about Perry’s unusual Y chromosome and did some further testing. His team’s research revealed something extraordinary: Perry did not descend from the genetic Adam. In fact, his Y chromosome was so distinct that his male lineage probably separated from all others about 338,000 years ago.


 “The Y-chromosome tree is much older than we thought,” says Chris Tyler-Smith at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Hinxton, UK, who was not involved in the study. He says further work will be needed to confirm exactly how much older.


Digging deeper, Hammer’s team examined an African database of nearly 6000 Y chromosomes and found similarities between Perry’s and those in samples taken from 11 men, all living in one village in Cameroon. This may indicate where in Africa Perry’s ancestors hailed from.


The first anatomically modern human fossils date back only 195,000 years, so Perry’s Y chromosome lineage split from the rest of humanity long before our species appeared.


What are the implications? One possibility is that Perry’s Y chromosome may have been inherited from an archaic human population that has since gone extinct. If that’s the case, then some time within the last 195,000 years, anatomically modern humans interbred with an ancient African human.


There is some supporting evidence for this scenario. In 2011, researchers examined human fossils from a Nigerian site called Iwo Eleru. The fossils showed a strange mix of ancient and modern features, which also suggested interbreeding between modern and archaic humans. “The Cameroon village with an unusual genetic signature is right on the border with Nigeria, and Iwo Eleru is not too far away,” says Hammer.



Question: When Was The Last Time Polyneasian People Asked Anyone To Speak For Them?


I’m very sure that every Polynesian person wants some under-educated all-lie to speak on their behalf. There’s nothing quite like a descendant of the people who enslaved your ancestors coming out from under their rock and speaking over you to tell everyone how acceptable a depiction of one of your gods is. Especially when those same people white wash the fuck out of everything (especially religious characters) in a desperate attempt to remain relevant.  


It’s almost funny how obvious it is that these people have not only never seen a Polynesian man, but have less than no idea what Māui looks like. 


4689613_origMāui depicted, reigning in the Sun.

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Maybe if these entitled fools spent as much time studying anatomy and biology as they do offering up Eurocentric beauty standards as a way to marginalize people of color, they’d look less ignorant. But hey, I like being informed before speaking. I’m clearly a weirdo. *sips lemon juice*

Weren’t We Just Talking About This? I was like, "What's up with Jessica? She been doing that podcast instead of snatching my lines. I think she's gonna quit". Everyone thought she was sick or on vacation... Blammo. Well, hazzah for Jessica.

Hopefully, These Articles Will Help

It’s crazy, for me, to see these articles, and hear that people and fans still don’t fully grasp the situation. The majority is adverse to fact checking and to listening, and those habits coupled with jealousy have perpetuated inane stereotypes about internet celebrities and a supposed correlation with increased wealth. People honestly believe that popularity can make you rich when that’s the further from the truth.


Following Issa Rae, Black & Sexy TV, Natalie, Anna Akana, Gaby Dunn, Allison Rankin, Wong Fu Productions, Franchesca Ramsey, CGP Grey, Akilah, Wendy, LaToya, and Maya (though I abandoned the last two about a year in) from the beginning saw the benefits of those burgeoning fan bases, by the way of more consistent and frequent content, and, a decade ago, better cameras and other forms of product placement. Though we were ecstatic to be heard – when Issa would feature and post links to the music we wanted to hear, or Wendy and/or Franchesca would take requests and display a certain look we needed help with – there was also a huge backlash. People would constantly complain about how “You had time to post a product review, but you won’t put up a new episode. And by the way you’re three days late”, which prompted YouTubers to inform us of their oftentimes horrifying employment and financial situation. I forget, now, that not everyone was around ten or even six years ago to view those interactions and the sharp decrease in the critique and outrage YouTubers face in their quest to eat three to five meals a day.


It’s doubly frustrating in the YouTube economy because its workers can’t even admit that these dynamics exist. Even though it correlates with American economic trends, it plays by the social norms of the internet. Online culture has often placed emphasis on both social justice and purity—or at the very least, humility. While watching makeup tutorials by a YouTuber named Jaclyn Hill, Beggs noticed a pattern of apologizing in Hill’s videos. Every time she gets something nice, like a Valentino purse in one video, she offers caveats like “I know it’s a big splurge! Sorry!”

In other economic realms, “it’s the opposite,” Beggs said. “Rappers are bragging in music videos.” Elsewhere, the trend is to show off wealth; that would be a major faux pas on YouTube. Whereas we’re used to a CEO being a millionaire, a popular YouTuber’s “business is predicated on ‘hey, I’m just like you.’”

That means fans don’t want to see that you’re explicitly on the hustle. Whether they realize it or not, they dictate our every financial move. Every time Allison and I post a branded video—a YouTuber’s bread and butter—we make money but lose subscribers. A video we created for a skincare line, for instance, drew ire from fans writing “ENOUGH WITH THE PRODUCT PLACEMENT,” despite this being our third branded video ever. One dismissively chided us, “Gotta get that YouTube money, I guess” with no acknowledgment of the two years of free videos we’d released prior. Another told us they hated ads because they had “high expectations of us.”


Between how difficult it is to find sensible, relatable content in a flooded market, and how so many personalities have signed their entire lives away, the understanding should, regardless of your experience with YouTube, be there by now. Too many people see YouTube as a platform that exists outside the spectrum and as an unaffected competitor of mainstream film and television. That’s never how it really worked though. YouTube suffers from the same exact problems that plague a “regular” 9-5 job ( wage discrimination, lack of diversity, sexual harassment, high underemployment). It might actually be worse because there’s no Human Resource department, no Diversity seminars, and the big five in television are constantly stealing the ideas of YouTubers and facing absolutely no consequences for their actions.


Apparently, Ugly Food Is A Thing Supermarkets and people are unnecessarily discarding food because it's "ugly". I can't even.

People Have Asked Why I Haven’t Shared Jesse Williams’ Speech. But I Have – All My Life

“I’m very tired of many of us black men believing that if you aren’t a heterosexual, cisgender, non-disabled male, you’re not allowed to ever say anything about the black condition or black liberation; that you are, somehow, secondary or tertiary unless you occupy those identity categories.” 
– Son of Baldwin

“They’re seeking only to measure their own chains to see if they will fit when they put them around someone else’s throat.”

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“It is no secret that, within the Black community, Black women have consistently been at the forefront of our social, political, and racial justice movements — particularly movements that began as a result of something terrible happening to a Black male. Perhaps the appointed leaders have been Black men, but women have done the bulk of the grassroots groundwork and provided the emotional and spiritual foundations the work has leaned on.


Unfortunately, we (Black men) collectively have not been there the same way for them. While they have stood with — and even, at times, in front of — us when White supremacy and racism need to be challenged, they generally do not receive the same support from us when issues specific to the health, well-being, and safety of Black women and girls (street harassment, sexual assault, etc) are brought up. And sometimes the reaction goes past apathy and an empathy void and settles into a sheer resistance. Where the validity and relevance of those concerns are challenged and/or dismissed, and the agenda behind even expressing them is also questioned.


Of course, the reason why this happens is obvious. The primary antagonizers in this context also happen to be Black men. And it’s far easier to mobilize against a collective oppressor than it is to look in our barbershops, our happy hours, our locker rooms, our street corners, our homes, and our mirrors.”


– Damon Young, “The Best And Blackest Part Of Jesse Williams’ Speech Was An Indictment Of Black Men

Are You Ready To Admit That You’re A Racist Yet?

When the Turner case broke, there was no one who was not incensed, but woven within the rage was a bid of contention with the general “perception” of the trial. The desperate insistence that Brock Turner was granted leniency in the face of his heinous crime because of his family’s bank account balance rather than the pink hue of his blotchy, ill-configured face was shouted from every direction. Once again, I look forward to the forthcoming embarrassed silence


Judge Aaron Persky made headlines for all the wrong reasons last month after he sentenced Stanford rapist Brock Turner to probation and a pathetic six months in county jail for raping an unconscious woman. Now he’s making headlines again for sentencing Raul Ramirez, a 32-year-old immigrant from El Salvador who sexually assaulted his female roommate in a case very similar to Turner’s, to three years in state prison.

The sentence was part of a plea agreement overseen by the judge and signed in March, but which only became public knowledge recently. While this sentence is standard given the crime, Persky was immediately criticized for being lenient with Turner and ignoring the minimum of two years in state prison prescribed by law, while treating this very similar case in the way it should be treated. 

“What’s happened with Mr Ramirez is standard,” said Alexander Cross, a defense attorney who briefly represented Ramirez when his “very poor” family could afford a private lawyer. “The anomaly is the Stanford case.”

Like Turner, Raul Ramirez had no criminal record before he was convicted. Both women were assaulted in a similar manner, but unlike Turner, Ramirez admitted to the assault and told responding officers that he “knew what he did was wrong and he wanted to say sorry.” When two students caught Turner on top of the unconscious woman he made a run for it, and when questioned by police, claimed it was consensual. 

Bail for Ramirez was set at $200,000, higher than the $150,000 bail set for Turner.